
How Do I Stop My Shower from Leaking?


A leaking shower can be a real nuisance. Not only does it waste water, but it can also lead to more serious problems like mould growth and structural damage. If you’re dealing with a leaking shower, you might be wondering how to stop it. The good news is that with the right tools and know-how, you can fix the problem yourself. However, for more complex issues, you may need to call in professionals like GIB Tiling Perth for expert leaking shower repairs.

Understanding the Cause of Your Leaking Shower

Before you can fix your leaking shower, you need to understand what’s causing the leak. There are several possible reasons why your shower might be leaking:

  1. Damaged Seals: Over time, the seals around your shower can wear out and start to leak. Or poorly applied grout can cause water to seep through.
  2. Cracked Tiles: If any of your tiles are cracked or broken, water can seep through and cause a leak.
  3. Faulty Plumbing: Sometimes, the plumbing behind your shower walls might be faulty or damaged.

Once you’ve identified what’s causing your leak, you can then take steps to fix it.

DIY Solutions for a Leaking Shower

If your leaking shower is due to worn-out seals or cracked tiles, there are some DIY solutions that might help:

  1. Replacing Seals: You can buy new seals from a hardware store and replace them yourself.
  2. Fixing Cracked Tiles: If only one or two tiles are cracked, you might be able to replace them without having to redo your entire shower.

However, these DIY solutions aren’t always effective in the long term. If your seals keep wearing out quickly or if multiple tiles are cracked, this could indicate a deeper problem that needs professional attention.

When To Call A Professional Tiler

If DIY solutions aren’t working or if your leak is due to faulty plumbing, it’s time to call in a professional tiler. A professional tiler, like GIB Tiling Perth, has the expertise and equipment necessary to fix your leaking shower.

Here are some signs that you might need to call in a professional:

  1. Persistent Leaks: If your shower continues to leak despite your best DIY efforts, this could indicate a more serious problem that requires professional attention.
  2. Multiple Cracked Tiles: If several tiles are cracked or broken, this could be due to an underlying structural issue.
  3. Signs of Mould or Structural Damage: If you notice mould growth or structural damage around your shower, this is a clear sign that you need professional leaking shower repairs.

Why Choose GIB Tiling Perth for Your Leaking Shower Repairs?

If you’re dealing with a persistent leaking shower, GIB Tiling Perth is here to help. We are a team of experienced professionals who specialize in leaking shower repairs.

Here’s why you should choose us for your leaking shower repairs:

  1. Expertise: With years of experience under our belt, we have the skills and knowledge necessary to fix any kind of leak.
  2. Quality Materials: We use only the highest quality materials for our repairs, ensuring that they last as long as possible.
  3. Comprehensive Services: We don’t just fix leaks – we also offer tile replacement and tile regrouting in Perth.


Dealing with a leaking shower can be frustrating and time-consuming. But with the right approach – whether it’s DIY solutions or calling in professionals like GIB Tiling Perth – you can stop your leak and prevent further damage.

Remember, while DIY solutions can be effective for minor issues, more serious problems require professional attention. Don’t hesitate to call GIB Tiling Perth for expert Perth leaking shower repairs if needed. Our team of experienced professionals is always ready to help you solve your tiling problems effectively and efficiently!

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